The second presentation of the Anton Seidl Award. As the opening program of its 25th Anniversary Year, the Society presented its prestigious award jointly to Birgit Nilsson, soprano (in absentia) and to Jon Vickers, heldentenor (in person). Honorary Co-Chairmen: Mr. Peter Schori, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Sweden to the UN, and Mr. Michael B. Phillips, Consul General, Canadian Consulate General, New York. Program included photo displays, audio highlights presented by Joe Pearce, video excerpts of performances, video clip of Birgit Nilsson’s appearance at James Levine’s 25th Anniversary gala, and a live interview with Mr. Vickers; Lew Grenville, interviewer. Scrolls were presented to Mr. Vickers and to Mignon Dunn (Met Opera mezzo-soprano and colleague of the awardees), accepting on behalf of Mme. Nilsson. New York Genealogical Society, 7:30 p.m.