Enjoy an intimate concert in the salon at Haus Wahnfried. On this evening, a Liederabend featuring sporano, bass, and piano with works by Wagner, Strauss, and Schönberg. Tickets are very limited; program subject to change. Full concert information at the Richard Wagner Museum Bayreuth – online in German only.
Program runs from 7:30- approx. 9:30 p.m. and will be followed by an informal gathering at La Lamperie.
Richard Wagner
Elegie WWV 93 für Klavier
Arnold Schönberg
Gurre-Lieder (1900-03/11)
1. Teil; Version für Gesang und Klavier von Alban Berg
Arnold Schönberg
Sechs kleine Klavierstücke op. 19 (1911)
Richard Strauss
Der Krämerspiegel op. 66 (1918); Liederzyklus auf Texte von Alfred Kerr
Maria Hilmes, Sopran
Stefan Rügamer, Tenor
Günther Albers, Klavier